
About us

ENERGY Sacco was incorporated in 1982 with the objective of forming a savings pool by the members from they can borrow at affordable interest in order to finance their development. Our vision is to be a leading, efficient and equitable Sacco delivering financial services to members in governmental sector and beyond. Energy Sacco members recognize that values create a strong foundation for achieving success. It is because of the values held and shared among staff, Management Committee, and the members, among other stakeholders


To be a leading, efficient and equitable Sacco delivering financial services to members in governmental sector and beyond.


To mobilize resources for the purpose of enhancing economic well-being of the members through provision of affordable and sustainable financial services and to ensure realization of competitive rate of returns

Core Values

Energy Sacco members recognize that values create a strong foundation for achieving success. It is because of the values held and shared among staff, Management Committee, and the members, among other stakeholders, that the Sacco will unify the efforts towards the same direction in order to achieve stated goals and objectives. In this regard, all the members of Energy Sacco will at all times strive to faithfully espouse the following values to guide their individual and corporate behaviour and conduct.


  • Integrity and honesty;
  • Moral uprightness;
  • Transparency and accountability;
  • Team spirit, discipline, respect and courtesy
  • Efficiency and effectiveness
  • Commitment and dedication;
  • Professionalism;
  • Quality service;
  • Impartiality